Cool review from Jazz Weekly

Alex Lefaivre Quartet: Naufrages

by George W. Harris • November 11, 2021 • 0 Comments

Bassist Alex Lefaivre leads a team of Nicolas Ferron/g, Erik Hove/as and Alain Bourgeois/dr through a mix of originals and interpretations. His own material has the Paul Desmond-inspired Hove rocking out over the exciting “Boiler Room” and bluesing with Ferron on “Sin City”. The team gets serpentine on the Middle Eastern moods of “Sly” with some creative pedal work by the strings. Most hip is the pulse created by Lefaivre and Bourgeois on a nifty take of Miles Davis’ “Time of the Barracudas” and a hoot of a version of the Led Zeppelin “Immigrant Song”. Lots of ideas that bounce around well.